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Clitoris orgasm

Any girl would know and agree – although orgasm comes from the collective stimuli in the different sexual parts of the body, but regularly, normally, a girl’s orgasm centers around the most sensitive of all – the clitoris.
For the majority of girls and women out there – the main orgasm center is in that area. Other sensations coming from the vagina, anus, breasts, labia contribute to the heightened sensations but mainly the orgasm comes directly from the core – the clitoris. For these girls and women, even when vaginal penetration and humping is pleasurable, without stimulating the clitoris, it will be quite rare to achieve an orgasm.
However, there are girls and women whose physical structure in their sexual organs are developed a bit more than most other women and girls. Some women can achieve orgasm through deep vaginal penetration due to their G-spot. For some men, the G-spot seems to be myth. This is because not may girls and women achieve orgasm through this. Only some. With this type of orgasm a guy or girl must be an expert finder of this very sensitive internal part of the vagina. Experts (doctors) say that this spot is located by inserting a finger into the vagina, reversing it toward the girl’s lower abdomen - that point should be the closest. But a lot of girls and women swear – they have tried it themselves, they have asked their husbands, boyfriends and sex partners to locate it, but they just don’t. It doesn’t mean there is something wrong with them – it is just that not all girls and women are built the same way.
Although, those who achieve orgasm through the G-spot and deep penetration observe that although the sensation is very gradual and the climax is throbbing as compared to a spiked one with a clitorial climax, there is a unique sense of extra sensation that pulsates within and ultimately also stimulates partly the clitoris and the other outer part of the vagina, which gives an extra climactic sensation.
As for anal, oral and other types of sexual climax, there are only two possibilities – first, that the girl is also masturbating while an anal or oral (blowjob) sex is ongoing, or she is just faking it!
Some women even find it hard to maintain a consistent build up towards climax if the sex is all about vaginal penetration only. There is a need for consistent clitoral stimulation so that the girl or woman also achieves consistent buld-up.
However to focus on clitoral orgasm, since this is the most popular and most gratifying and pleasurable way of achieving sexual orgasm for girls or women, one must focus on the various parts of the clitoris.
Various parts of the clitoris? That little button has parts? Yes, it does! And if used or stimulated right, it will give different types of clitoral orgasms. Girls and women who masturbate would know this.
First, everyone has to know that not all clitoris are the same – some are small, others stick out of the vaginal hood, others are hidden, while others are just larger than usual (well, the bigger, the more nerve endings). It goes back to the same principle – not all girls are built the same way. To those with clitoris that stick out or are bigger than usual, well, you have been given a really great gift! For most girls though, the clitoris is usually hidden behind the folds of the vagina. First, the labia majora (the main skin fold) and then by the labia minora (the inner skin fold). It is usually at the top most part of the vagina – which is also the reason why for most regular girls and women, it is quite difficult to reach orgasm without stimulating it during a regular penis penetration sexual encounter.
The distance between the vaginal opening and the clitoris for most girls are just far enough so that during sexual action, the clitoris does not really get stimulated, especially if the man doing the humping is not focused on making his motions in a way that part of his penis or any part of his lower abdomen touches the clitoris.
Okay going back to the parts of the clitoris - like a little pea, it has the following parts – the top, the center, the sides and the lower portion. If a girl or woman is keen on playing with her clitoris during masturbations, she will notice that the different parts give out different sensations. If only girls talk, then one could make objective notes on the various sensations. But based on a few feedbacks, some girls just find the center, tip-most portion as the most sensitive. It is also the most stimulated part, which can also have a level of resistance for most sexually-active women who consistently rub their clitorises. For women who also constantly masturbate, when the center, tipmost portion is taking more time to build up to orgasm, they can gently rub the sides and the lower portions – most girls and women swear, there is a throbbing quality of sensation that contributes to stimulating the center portion.
Well, most women and girls in a hurry just stimulate everything at once, ensuring a climax in no time. But for men who might want to experiment on how to give more mileage to pussy-licking, The reason for the various flicks of tongue actions is because there are different sensations in the different parts of the clitoris.
With clitoral climax, the most fitting sexual action is pussy-licking. This assures fast climax. However, to prolong the build-up, men mimic the penile penetration with their tongue by sticking it into the vagina. Sucking at the clitoris is also pleasurable for women and it creates a sensation of warmth and kind of a break from the build-up, to prolong the build up to orgasm. The most pleasurable sucking for the vagina is to include the inner folds, or the labia minora, with the tongue wrapped around the clitoris. Men have to be careful though. The clitoris and vagina are not really like the penis – the harder, the better- with the vagina, gentle, calculated, soft is better. Of course, other women like it hard. You just need to know your girl or woman better.
For men who want to give their girls orgasm by just fingering, just make sure that the clitoris is well-lubricated before starting to rub it. If the clitoris is not lubricated well – saliva or vaginal fluids, it can be painful. Also, make sure that your fingers do not have any very rough portions as this could also be painful.
Remember that finger action can be a bit more forceful than tongue action. So a man must always remember to make it gentle. The point is to make sure you are on the right spot. If men are not sure, they can first touch the whole vaginal area, try to see if they can find the vaginal entrance. Slip the finger there (this also gives the finger a chance to be lubricated with vaginal fluid), and slowly move up until their finger touches what will feel like a small (or big) pea. Once the girl gives out a gasp or reaction, the boys should know they’ve hit the right part. Now it is important to remember not to start rubbing vigorously – they must just start teasing it with slight brushes. Then try to feel out with a bit more pressure (yet remain gentle) the whole clitoris area. That circle. Try rounding that off a few times. This should do the trick. Then move on to make a gentle rubbing motion from tip to bottom until she comes. In between, make sure to penetrate her with the other fingers. If it is possible that fingers penetrate and rub at the same time, the better.
Better still, one just has to know your girl better! What she likes. It is always the key to giving your girl a great climax.

Visitors' comments

nikhil on Monday 2nd of January 2019 11:32:17 PM wrote

I have tried with my girl friend so many times while licking some liquid comes out from her vagina and she starts feeling like in heaven. Most women do not like licking the clitoris not even knew what clitoris means. When licking they thought that in that sensation men may have steal their virginity.

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